When you ask five-year-old Ella who the boss of the family is, she does not hesitate. “All of us,” she announces, in a tone which suggests the silliness of the question. Her mother, Shannon; and father, Eric, just beam.
The family started their journey in the fall of 2015. Shannon, a Registered Nurse for nearly ten years, got a call from an enthusiastic co-worker. “You’ve got to go on the road,” her friend urged. With that prompting, Shannon secured work as a traveling nurse. Nearly four years later, none of them have any regrets.
At first, the family spent three to six months at a time living in rented, furnished apartments. “You had to go home to sleep in your own bed,” Shannon noted. They struggled to find housing that would accept cats — they started with four, all named for characters from The Jungle Book — and a small child. “I worried about stains, breakage, every little thing,” she continued. “And my back always hurt from terrible mattresses.”
Eric, a construction professional, had the idea of a traveling trailer. Shannon immediately saw the advantages of having their own home, although “one on wheels”. They bought their Coachman Catalina two and a half years ago, and love the freedom it gives them. “I insisted that Ella have her own space,” Shannon remarked. “That was one of my must-haves.” They looked around the spacious home which they’ve made cozier as they traveled, both of them sparkling, smiling, and clearly content. “If I had it to do over, I would go on the road sooner, and buy something bigger,” Shannon suggested, agreeing with her husband that the life suits them.
Prior to arriving at Park Delta Bay, they had spent time in seven other locations for Shannon’s work as an emergency room nurse. They have learned a lot. Shannon recounted the shock of discovering that parts of Texas are actually cold. “Our pipes froze. I couldn’t even take a shower, and it took eight hours to get the place warm after we swapped out the propane tank.” They also learned the hard way that if they boon-dock again, they’ll need a generator. “You have enough juice for lights, maybe, but not to keep the place warm or cook.” They laughed, remembering a couple of nights in beautiful, isolated spots on Bureau of Land Management property with no services.
When Shannon got work here in Northern California, she did an internet search for somewhere to park more long-term. She looked for amenities and facilities, such as laundry, and a beautiful park atmosphere. They have become a vital part of the community here. Shannon recently extended the contract at her current location. “We love the neighbors. I know we’ll have to leave, but we hope to return.”
Ella likes living in a house on wheels. She turned five at Park Delta Bay, and had a tea party with a real princess. She also made an appearance as a perfectly painted witch at the park Halloween party. She takes good care of her two cats, Louie and Baloo; and is a good adoptive mother to her many dolls and stuffed animals. Eric and Shannon home-school Ella, who already reads, creates sentences, and does arithmetic. She takes her parents’ praise of her in stride, remarking in a matter-of-fact voice, “I’ve been smart since I was four.” Her favorite part of living at Park Delta Bay is making new friends. She learned to ride a bike at the Park, “without training wheels,” she confides.
The family likes the adventure of living in a travel trailer. The places they’ve gone have enriched their lives. They talked of the Grand Canyon, which they thought was remarkable, but agreed that the Mojave Desert stunned them, especially the sand dunes. “I couldn’t get over the beauty,” Shannon said. “Just breath-taking.”
Eric and Shannon plan to make improvements to their trailer, removing some old carpet, re-doing Ella’s space, and changing the dated furnishings. “It’s not really our style,” they agreed. “And eventually, we’ll want something bigger. ” Eventually, too, Shannon will take a contract in another city, and they will pull up their stakes, pack Ella’s bike, and hit the road. But for now, they enjoy life near the river, amidst the trees, with their Princess, in their little castle on wheels.
- Ella draws her cats.
- The Best Witch Ever.
- Eric and Shannon at the Park Delta Bay Halloween Party. Shannon did their make-up.
- First parking space.
- Christmas in Dallas
- The trailer on the road.
Beautiful write up on a great family. Love seeing all the pictures as well
Wonderful story! My husband and I moved to the Delta in December, after traveling from the East coast to the west in our RV. We love the RV life! We have had tons of adventures since starting out last year. I’m a retired teacher from Georgia and he is a chef from Florida. We were reacquainted on Facebook after 35 years of not seeing each other after high school. We were married in the Grand Canyon, on the rim, in September and have continued our adventures. We are in Courtland, California, in the Delta amongst vineyards and orchards. It is so beat and peaceful here!