The 8th annual Camp Tiny House comes to the grounds of Park Delta Bay on October 26th and 27th, with park residents and visiting tiny house dwellers displaying their homes and sharing stories and insights on living sustainable in all manner of homes.
Park Delta Bay provides a home to many folks who live year round on its grounds as well as being a vacation destination. In everything from trailers to tiny houses, members of the park community embrace what once might have been considered an alternative lifestyle. Some folks have estimated that there are over 200 tiny house communities in America, but Park Delta Bay continues to be considered one of the first legal tiny house communities in Northern California. It currently boasts about a dozen owner-occupied tiny houses, along with another fifty or so folks living long-term in RVs and trailers.
“It’s a community,” one resident recently noted at a CTH planning meeting. “The exact contours or construction of the place where you lay your head doesn’t define the spirit of the place.” A resident’s panel on Saturday will provide insight to the journeys that some of the local residents have taken to become members of the Park Delta Bay community. This popular presentation has led some folks who now live at Park Delta Bay to decide to “go tiny”.
At Camp Tiny House 2024, an exciting line-up of activities await visitors. On Saturday, speakers from the sustainable living and tiny house movement will explore ideas relating to changing one’s lifestyle in small and big ways to enrich your own life as well as the community at large. The premier builder Pacifica Tiny Homes will have a model on-site both Saturday and Sunday for tours. Additionally, a traveling tiny house, a nomadic shelter, and a teepee will be available for viewing both days.
As in prior years, several residents will open their homes to visitors on one or both days. On the park’s open front row, the Pacifica model, the visiting tiny house, the nomadic dwelling, and the teepee will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days. Guided tours of the grounds and open resident dwellings will take place from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day, with folks living at the park conducting the tours. “This gives our visitors the chance to talk to someone about their own sustainable journey,” event coordinator Corinne Corley explains. “At the same time, we want to show respect for our neighbors who live and work with the park as their home base.”

Angel’s Haven
Corley has lived in the Park since January of 2018, though she became a full-time resident at the end of that year. Her tiny house, Angel’s Haven, will be available for tour both days. “One of my neighbors will show my house again this year,” Corley laughs. “I can’t be in two places at once, and I have to be up front making sure all goes well!” Corley’s tiny house was built in Missouri of locally-milled wood. A carpenter that used to live at the Park built her deck. “Outside space makes a big difference when you only have 198 square feet,” she notes.
On the second day of Camp Tiny House, visitors will also be able to browse the vendors at the Sunday Market’s Harvest Market. A dozen or more local folks showcase their hand-made arts and crafts, jewelry, soaps, and candles. Silo Farms, a small woman-owned vegetable garden in Walnut Grove, will sell their fall harvest. During the market, singer-songwriter Randy Carey will entertain guests with his throaty traditional voice and smooth guitar work.
Camp Tiny House events on Sunday will include the tours and also a mock tiny-house build led by Tim Anderson, Tiny House movement OG and local pig farmer. Break-out groups by Saturday’s presenters will give folks the chance to learn more about each speaker’s particular focus. The tours will also continue on Sunday.
On both days, the Delta Bay Foundation will have its popular beer & drinks tent. Food offerings will be available both days. On Saturdays, sandwiches from local restauranteur The McBoodery Deli in Isleton will be catered and sold in the Beer & Drinks Tent while supplies last. On Sunday, Jeeroz Food Truck from the Sacramento area will park on-site to sell its delicious Mediterranean fare. Proceeds of the Beer & Drinks Tent benefit the event.
The Delta Bay Foundation promotes the culture, commerce, and conservation of the California Delta. Park Delta Bay provides space for Foundation events as a courtesy to the community. For information about Camp Tiny House, visit its website at For information about the Harvest Market, contact event coordinator Corinne Corley at 816-520-9152. For directions to the Park, located on the California Delta Loop at 922 West Brannan Island Road, call the park office at 916-777-5588.
9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. REGISTRATION. We have a full schedule on Saturday, so please keep that in mind as you plan your arrival! We want you to partake of all of the events!
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. GUEST SPEAKERS / PRESENTERS
11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. — PARK DELTA PAY RESIDENTS PANEL
12:15 P.M. to 1:00 p.m.: MINGLE AND LUNCH – The McBoodery Deli sandwiches available for purchase in the Beer & Drinks tent area, catered by The McBoodery Deli in cooperation with the Delta Bay Foundation.
1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Speakers / Presenters
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: MINGLE AND MEET at the beer tent – Speakers and presenters will talk one-on-one to visitors in the beer tent and food vendor area.
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Harvest Market In Central Meadow
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. BUILDING YOUR SUSTAINABLE LIFE WITH TIM ANDERSON – OG of sustainable living Tim Anderson will build a mock tiny house and talk sustainability in our tennis courts.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MEET & MINGLE – Speakers and presenters will talk one-on-one to visitors in the beer tent area. Select speakers will form break-out groups to talk about their experiences with sustainable living. Gathering will take place in the beer tent area with tables and seating provided. Watch this page for break-out session descriptions.
See You At Camp Tiny House and the Harvest Market!